This is a weekly meme from the group that I belong to at New Books for New Bloggers. This is my first time to try it and I will be posting this either every Friday or Saturday (depending on my stress-level at work... LOL!) moving forward.
This week's question is:
Have you ever seen a movie and seriously wished that there was a book the movie was based on (or a novelization of the movie) that you could read because you just had to know more about what the characters were thinking or feeling or what have you that couldn't be included in the movie? Did you look for a book and find one or not? What was your experience?
It's not YA, but I wish to there is a book based on "The Runaway Bride" (Richard Gere and Julia Roberts). I just want to know more about Maggie Carpenter. I want to know more what she was really thinking and feeling when she was about to get married to one of her boyfriends and suddenly decided to just ran away. I want to get inside her head and at the same time, I also want to get to know Ike Graham. What made him fell in love with Maggie amidst Maggie's sarcasm, paranoia, and impulsiveness. "The Runaway Bride" is one of my favorite movies of all times. I even remember crying while Julia Roberts was saying this line to Richard Gere:
I guarantee there'll be tough times. I guarantee that at some point, one or both of us is going to want get out. But I also guarantee...that if I don't ask you to be mine, I'll regret it for the rest of my life. Because I know in my heart... you're the only one for me.
And if ever there is a book from this movie, I would definitely be one of the first persons to have it reserved under my name! I want to be drawn into the story more, really get to know all the characters, and finally understand how they are really thinking.
What about you?
Oh that's a good one. I would love to be in her head too. She was incredibly complicated. I loved that movie!
she's not only complicated... impulsive too! i just want to get inside her head and understand her better! ^_^
thanks for visiting!
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